If you own a business, hold a management role in a company or have an entrepreneurial gifting then Kingdom Business is for you. Join other like minded people wanting to learn and explore all that God has for them in the marketplace.

About Kingdom Business

Kingdom Business is an initiative launched by Glow and specifically created to help all types of business owners, senior management and those who are just starting out. We recognise the uniqueness of their business ministry in the marketplace. We want them to grow into the fullness of everything that God has for them, not just in business but in all of life. We are acutely aware of the tensions that these leaders carry and how challenging the business world can be. We believe that many of these business leaders have a remarkable opportunity to see the Kingdom of God outworked in their workplaces.

Our primary focus is to provide hands-on pastoral support and discipleship to business people in every area of their lives. We provide opportunities for this like minded group of people to learn, to be challenged by one another and most of all to grow together in their pursuit of God in all that they do.

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