About Us

Our Story

Glow Church was founded in 2013 on the Gold Coast, Australia by Joel and Ellen Cave. What started as a small group of people has quickly become one of the fastest-growing churches in Australia. Thousands of lives have been impacted by the life-changing message of Jesus and a commitment to REAL BOLD LOVE with people.

The dynamic growth and intentional raising up of leaders has led to the planting of other locations throughout Australia. In 2018, Glow Sydney was launched in the CBD and quickly expanded to three different locations across Sydney. In 2020, Glow Melbourne was planted in the heart of the city. Glow is now a global church with multiple locations across the globe. In 2021, we launched in the United Kingdom in Durham, and Seoul, South Korea.

In 2024, the locations of Sydney, Melbourne, and Seoul were released to become stand-alone, independent churches under the banner of the “Glow Collective”.

Glow Church is an act of God's faithfulness and grace. It is a church committed to seeing the lost found, prodigals come home, and people dream and see vision become reality. It's a church full of all different ages, diversity, ethnicity, and a commitment to friendly, genuine, authentic community. Glow is a place to call home, and we look forward to meeting you in person or connecting online.
Joel & Ellen Cave

Senior Pastors

Joel and Ellen Cave have been married for 24 years and founded Glow Church in 2013. Over the past decade, they have pioneered, led, and pastored through dynamic church growth, including the establishment of locations in numerous cities and nations. Those locations have since been released to become fully autonomous churches, which reflects their commitment to Kingdom leadership.

Joel and Ellen’s commitment to developing leaders stems from their genuine love for people. They are both unique in their individual giftings, but together are great role models to other couples, parents, and young people. Their lives inspire others to lift the ceiling of what's possible with faith while also being very authentic and genuine in all areas of life.

Joel is known for his innovative thinking and commitment to discipling people and empowering leaders at all levels. He has become a respected leader, strategic church planter, and a sought-after speaker at conferences and events around the world.
Speaking Requests

What We Believe

We believe in one true God who is eternal and Creator of all things. He co-exists in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. He loves all and wants to be in relationship with us.

We believe that the Bible is God’s Word and through it God speaks today. It is infallible, authoritative and everlasting. It is total truth and provides us with principles for every area of life.

We believe that sin has separated all of us from God and only God can provide a remedy.

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world as our Saviour. Jesus died on a cross and rose from the dead and all who repent and believe in Him can have forgiveness and eternal life. As believers we are baptised in water by full immersion as a public declaration of our faith in Jesus.

We believe that God’s Spirit both indwells and empowers the believer. The Spirit filled life gives us the ability to live with Godly character and provides us with spiritual gifts that enable us to fulfil God’s purposes on Earth.

We believe that the church is the ‘body of Christ'. As we meet together regularly, in both large groups and in homes, we grow in our faith, fulfil the great commission, and build long lasting relationships.

We believe in miracles.

We believe that our eternal destination of either Heaven or hell is determined by our response to the Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back.


People are our purpose
Authentic to the core

Leadership is our mandate
Creativity is our calling

Generosity is our response
Passion is the overflow

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